THE BOX TOKYO is an art project incubation space founded in 2022. Transformed from the site of a former cardboard factory, THE BOX TOKYO, which shares its space with WATOWA GALLERY, aims to foster a new art scene.THE BOX TOKYO supports opportunities for exchange and enhancement between the next generation of curators, collectors, critics, producers, and other diverse players in the art ecosystem, as well as organising and supporting projects and social art experiments. Through supporting projects such as “Museum experiments” involving not only artists, but also uprising talents and professionals from other fields such as curators, critics, activists, scholars, collectors, gallerists, and auctioneers, and backing visionary initiatives in art which aim to manifest “new contemporary culture emerging from the next generation”, THE BOX TOKYO seeks to function as an incubator of new values and perspectives in the world of art.
THE BOX TOKYOとは、2022年に元段ボール工場の跡地の一角を改装し、WATOWA GALLERYと空間を共存する新しいアートシーンを育むためのアートプロジェクト・インキュベーション施設です。